Free Appreciation Society
Magazine Issue #131
September 2013

The Jess Roden 6CD set has
been a long time coming and not only do we have a full in-depth review of it but
we also have an exclusive interview with Jess that covers his recording of 'I'm
Ready' with Paul Kossoff. You won't find any reference to this anywhere else,
not even in the sleeve notes of the retrospective!
The multi-track tape article
covers the history of recording, both professional and 'home studio' along with
a look at how the use of these tapes has changed over the past few years with
the advent of the large boxed set featuring alternate and unissued versions of
material previously left in the vaults. We also look at how some of the Led
Zeppelin multi-tracks have slipped out into the public arena via bootlegs and
also how the 5.1 surround sound remixes and 'Guitar Hero' game generation have
allowed a huge wave of multi-track 'stems' to become available for mixing by
the home studio enthusiast. We look at what's out there, what you need to play
them and how to get started with 'free' on-line software! You don't need to be
a pro to have fun with this stuff, all you need is a computer and a little bit
of patience.
Also included are reviews of
the Michael Gately (w/ Paul Kossoff) CD release, the Tynemouth FREE convention
featuring Andy Fraser and a look at a new book on Budgie (always one of my
favourite bands).
44 pages all in full colour
- Don't miss it.