Appreciation Society
Issue #133
November 2014
Now Available...

In the
news section we have the hints of some ongoing Free related activity but its a waiting game to see what that actually is! Reviewed are Spike's Frankie Miller Tribute album, and a really strange Free tribute album from Humboogie, a band from Finland.
There is also information on the pre-Free Roadrunners, including where to find recordings of the band with Paul Rodgers, Micky Moody and Bruce Thomas along with a review of the recent Bad Company 'Collector's Pack' from Classic Rock that included the DVD documentary by Jon Brewer.
There's some guitar stuff including a book featuring the instrument history of Paul Kossoff within its pages and even a DVD with the guitar now owned by Arthur Ramm being played. This comes along with readers letters and a fair bit of press from the last year. Something for everyone.