Sunday 30 January 2022

FAS #161, #162, #163

Okay, a quick update as I know some of you are chomping at the bit currently for the next magazine. These next three issues are just about done. There has been a delay as I had to fully re-page #161 having expanded it a little bit, now 80 pages (!!), and also some additional material arrived for #163 - so that also needed a rewrite, then some work re-finishing, as the pages got knocked out of size. New proofs should be done next week for a final check, as last time there were also a couple of pages out of order in #161 after I'd reset everything. Oops! All this kind of stuff takes time, hence the delay. Sorry about that, but the magazines are better for the changes.

Anyway this setback has pushed us back a little bit, so now #161 will come out in early March, with #162 (Cover 'outtake' shown!) following in April, and then #163 in May. Basically they will go out about four weeks apart. Don't expect #164 until MUCH later in the year. I've started rounding up all the material and notes for it, but haven't written anything yet. I find it hard to move forward and concentrate on the new stuff until what we have ready is sent out and the decks here are cleared, so to speak. I need to put 'Free Live!' away before I move to 'KKTR'.

#161 looks pretty FAB actually, so just a few more weeks to wait while we tweak it. I'll put information up here as soon as they start to go out to subscribers. Mailing will be spread over a few days as I have to mess around with adding stamps to 'up' the postage coverage to £1.53 (UK) as it's a big issue. Some of you will have a wide array of 'stampage' denominations on the envelopes, as you will see! It made me laugh, when I saw them all with multiple stamps, but it was a pain in the ass to do when the PO here ran out of 20p's and I had to default to 10p's. I'm very glad I didn't have to lick them all! Anyway, be patient. It's getting there. Just a little bit longer and all will be revealed.

Also, I should mention that a couple of people sent very nice Christmas presents, for which I'm very grateful. If you sent something, and I haven't thanked you I can only apologise. However, I should point out that two items had no indication as to who they are from. No address, no card, no note, anything -  which has made thanking you somewhat difficult!

Keep safe, Sail On


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