Friday 2 October 2020

Paul Kossoff And The 'Sea Of Tranquility'...

Well, blogger just HAD to do it, and in an 'upgrade' to their site, that worked perfectly previously, they have now completely f****d up and made far more difficult most of the stuff I use and do here. Wow, progress eh! If it works DON'T fix it!! It's not like I do anything technical but now it's more difficult to upload and generally get something on here. So lets see how this works out. I'll do my best!

Just thought I'd bring to your attention some more Youtube viewing to keep you amused during the current and continuing 'situation'. Hopefully everyone is keeping well out there and as I'm almost recovered from the 'Fire And Water' issues, work has started (well a little bit) on the upcoming 'Highway' extravaganza. Don't hold yer breath as magazines won't be coming for a long while yet! 

In the meantime, and with next to nothing on the TV, you might like to check out the video and the links below. 'Sea Of Tranquility' (their spelling not mine!) post new Rock music musings frequently. Obviously you may not agree with all the comments, the order things come in, or the selections. That's all fine. I don't either - but that's not the point. It's always interesting to hear how other people rate their music, and what they think about artists we may, and may not, like ourselves. Often it may prompt you to play something and reconsider it. Not always a bad thing. Host Peter Pardo encourages you to leave your own favourites in the comments of the Youtube videos - so if the need to have your say takes hold, you can make your feeling known.

Check out some of the other videos too. Lots there to enjoy on the 'Sea Of Tranquility' channel. 


Favourite Guitar Solos: Paul Kossoff (Above) 


Ranking The Studio Albums: Free 

One Album Wonders, Part 4 (Including KKTR)

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